This article is an excerpt from my book about Data-Oriented Programming.
More excerpts are available on my blog.
This chapter is an attempt to illustrate what are the core principles of Data Oriented Programming as I understand them. It is highly influenced by my programming experience in Clojure, but I believe that those principles are language agnostic.
One could adhere to them in an Object Oriented (OO) language like Java or C# and one could break them in a Functional Programming (FP) language like Ocaml, Haskell, JavaScript (or even in Clojure).
In fact, in this chapter, I am going to illustrate how those principles could be applied or broken in JavaScript, a programming language that supports both FP and OOP.
The principles of Data Oriented (DO) Programming are:
Each principle is explored in a separate article.
I encourage you to start your exploration from Principle #1: Separate code from data.